Lake Manyara National Park Safaris
Destination Details

Lake Manyara National Park

Lake Manyara National Park, located in northern Tanzania near the city of Arusha, is a hidden gem renowned for its unique landscapes, diverse wildlife, and abundant birdlife. Covering an area of approximately 330 square kilometres, the park is nestled within the Rift Valley and is adjacent to the Tarangire National Park. The park's defining feature is the alkaline Lake Manyara, which attracts thousands of pink flamingos during the wet season, creating a breathtaking spectacle. The park's boundaries are characterized by the stunning Rift Valley escarpment to the west and the serene waters of Lake Manyara to the east. It’s a sanctuary for diverse wildlife, though it is not particularly known for the "Big Five." Nonetheless, visitors have the opportunity to encounter a wide variety of animals, including elephants, lions, baboons, giraffes, zebras, and tree-climbing lions, adding a touch of uniqueness to the Tanzania Safari experience. For bird enthusiasts, Lake Manyara is a haven with over 400 bird species calling the park home. The sight of flamingos congregating on the lake's shores, combined with the park's lush forests and open savannah, provides an unmatched birdwatching paradise. Visitors to the park can enjoy scenic drives along the Rift Valley and Manyara escarpments, offering panoramic vistas of the stunning landscapes. The park's canopy walkway also provides a unique opportunity to explore the lush forest from an elevated perspective. Cultural encounters with the local Maasai communities add another dimension to the park experience, allowing visitors to learn about their traditions, lifestyle, and crafts. To make the most of their visit, travellers are advised to plan their trip during the dry season, from June to October, when wildlife is concentrated around water sources, providing excellent opportunities for sightings. The wet season, from November to May, can present challenges for game drives due to muddy and slippery roads. Conservation efforts at Lake Manyara National Park focus on protecting endangered species, such as elephants, and preserving the delicate ecosystem. The park's rangers work diligently to combat illegal poaching and educate the local community about the importance of conservation and sustainable practices. Lake Manyara National Park offers a serene and captivating safari experience, with its diverse wildlife, stunning landscapes, and thriving birdlife, making it an exceptional destination for tourists seeking a more off-the-beaten-path adventure in Tanzania.


Lake Manyara National Park is a paradise of unique experiences, where the wonders of wildlife, avian marvels, and captivating landscapes converge to create an unforgettable safari adventure in Tanzania.

Breathtaking Wildlife Encounters: Witness a rich diversity of wildlife, including majestic elephants, regal lions, playful baboons, graceful giraffes, and herds of zebras and impalas.

Birdwatcher's Paradise: Delight in a mesmerizing display of over 400 bird species, with the stunning pink hues of flamingos adorning the shores of Lake Manyara during the wet season.

Stunning Scenic Vistas: Experience awe-inspiring landscapes from the panoramic viewpoints of the Rift Valley and Manyara escarpments, offering vistas that will leave you spellbound.

Unique Canopy Walkway: Immerse yourself in the lush greenery of the forest canopy through a captivating treetop walkway, observing birdlife and tree-dwelling creatures up close.

Cultural Immersion: Engage with the vibrant Maasai communities and gain insights into their ancient traditions, colourful ceremonies, and skilful craftsmanship.

Thrilling Night Game Drives: Embark on nocturnal adventures to catch glimpses of elusive predators and observe the park's wildlife activity in the mystical ambiance of the night.

Relaxing Hippo Pool: Find tranquility by the lakeside as you watch the playful antics of hippos, an encounter that promises relaxation and captivating photography opportunities.

Serene Picnic Sites: Take a moment to savor the serenity of Lake Manyara National Park by indulging in a picnic amidst nature's splendour at well-appointed picnic sites.

Conservation Success Stories: Appreciate the park's dedicated efforts in safeguarding endangered species, like the noble elephants, and supporting the delicate balance of the ecosystem.

In conclusion, Lake Manyara National Park unveils a paradise of biodiversity and captivating landscapes. Its namesake lake, with its vast flocks of flamingos, serves as a surreal centrepiece to this natural wonderland. The diverse array of wildlife, including the iconic tree-climbing lions, enchants visitors with the raw beauty of the animal kingdom. As we conclude our journey through this extraordinary park, let us cherish the memories and reflect on the significance of conservation.